Louise Lief has conducted fascinating research on journalism collaborations that cross industry boundaries into other sectors like library science and academia. Lief, an independent consultant focusing on civic engagement, is interested in the spaces where stakeholders from across fields can come together and collaborate to strengthen our civic ecosystem. We spoke about her work, which covers everything from what news organizations can learn from the library sector to new models for civic engagement to how scientists and journalists can more closely collaborate.
Melody Kramer: As part of your recent work as a scholar-in-residence at the American University School of Communication Investigative Reporting Workshop, you studied models for civic engagement within but also outside journalism that “reimagine the role of journalists in civic life.” How do you see the role of journalists within civic life? What kind of roles could journalists play?
Louise Lief: A recent survey found that for the first time, the media is now the least trusted institution globally. Sixty-three percent of those surveyed say they do not know how to tell good journalism from rumor or falsehoods, and 59 percent say they are unable to identify what is true.