Lief Strategies
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
The pilot program, “Right Fish, Wrong Place,” took place in September 2014 at the Smithsonian’s Environmental Research Center (SERC) 40 miles outside of Washington, D.C. SERC is a 3500 acre preserve of woodlands, marshes, creeks and tributaries that feed into the Chesapeake Bay, the largest estuary in the United States. We spent most of our time outside in the marshes and woods, on and in the water with scientists, representatives of the fishing communities they work with, Whole Foods Markets marketing representatives and local chefs. The program looked at ecosystem management, the impact of invasive species on commercial fisheries, and how invasive species can be marketed to enjoyably eat our way out of the problem.
Selected Content

Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
Science and the Media and Smithsonian Environmental Research Center Cohost Program on Marine Invaders

Audience Engagement Factsheet